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New Years Resolutions - Fly Fishing Edition

Writer: Jason G. FreundJason G. Freund

In the spirit of New Years and new beginnings - and maybe in the spirit of past failed resolutions, here are my resolutions for 2024. Let me know what your resolutions are in the comments.

  • I think this is one that I will actually succeed in fulfilling - I plan to keep up with the blog and post at least once every other week for the year. I started this thing late in the summer of 2020, the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was my escape at the time. I had no plans other than my first goal was to make it for one year. Then that goal became two years. Three-and-a-half years later, I have kept at it but dialed it back a bit to better fit my life / desire to write posts at this time. I think I can come up with 26 (or more) more posts - there are 113 drafts that range from fairly close to done to a very rough outline or simply a title. Though I will say there is no guarantee but I do think I will try but things could change.

Driftless Area Brook Trout
Brook Trout we sampled in the summer of 2023 from a northern(ish) Driftless stream.
  • I plan to fish more this year. Yeah, I know this is - as it should be - every angler's resolution, every year. But I am pretty confident that I can do it because this past summer is certainly the least I have fished since I made the move to La Crosse. And I was OK with fishing a little less. After all, I spent a lot of time in the field doing research and that kept me interested and active all summer. I can't wait to share more of that with everyone but I want the graduate student I am working with to have the first chance to share the data and his findings. This summer will likely not be a big field work season - or at least not like 2023 was. I have a small bit of field work and some geeky computer-based modeling stuff I am interested in this summer but other than helping the local biologists out when they could use another hand, probably not a ton of field work for me this summer.

Rock marking a Brook Trout location
How we marked the locations of trout while snorkeling streams this past summer.
  • I plan to practice what I preach and do some good in the community (Most people don't care...and I struggle with that). I have also been teaching a non-majors biology course recently where students have to complete a volunteer activity to fulfill the "gen ed" part of the course. It rings pretty true to them when I can talk about how I volunteer with Wisconsin Trout Unlimited, Coulee Region TU, and the West Fork Sports Club, among other organizations where I play smaller roles or at least put a little money towards. This year, it appears to be my turn to "step up" and take the presidency of CRTU. I have always been happy to do more behind the scenes and I have been pretty active behind the scenes. These next few years, I "get" to be more of the face of the organization - and hopefully work to build others into that position so I can step "backstage" though stay active. In any case, this looks like another resolution, I can't help but make come true.

STREAM Girls sign
From the Coulee Region TU STREAM Girls event this summer - always a hightlight but so is the gathering I miss with friends the same weekend.
  • Now to resolutions that I am more likely to fall short on. This one will be a little surprising to those that know me well / have known me for a long time. I plan to tie more flies this year than last. I probably tied fewer flies this year than I have any year in the last I have no idea how many years. There are a number of reasons for that - I fished less this year; I have tied so many in past years that I have stockpiles of flies; in supporting my local fly shop, I've bought more flies than usual; and any number of other reasons. Maybe the biggest reason is that tying flies sort of fell out of my routine and I am not entirely sure why but part of it is that post-COVID, a few friends and I don't get together online to tie like we used to. But I plan to tie more in 2024 even if my boxes are full. There are always places like CRTU that will take fly donations.

Top of a smallmouth bass fly box
One of three smallmouth bass boxes - I can stand to lose a lot of flies before tying becomes a necessity.
  • In most recent years, I have pledged to get out of my comfort zone more and fish in more different ways and in different places. Certainly this year I failed at that. Other than a "Crash Camp" trip and one to Sylvania Wilderness, I fished the Driftless almost exclusively. And given the amount of field work we did, that was to be expected. Maybe this summer is the year I make a trip to Pennsylvania and West Virginia "for old time's sake". Or at least make it to the annual August Wolf River gathering I have not made in a few years due to CRTU activities. Hell, I can at least finally cross the river and fish Minnesota this year (even if it isn't driftless), can't I? I'll be very disappointment if I don't make this one a reality.

Sylvania Wilderness
The view after a short portage in Sylvania Wilderness.

I am really not sure that I need any more resolutions than that. It seems like a fairly manageable set of resolutions for one year. And if there is often one thing wrong with resolutions, they should be obtainable, not just aspirational (though some should be aspirational). I will not fulfill them all but I think it is a pretty reasonable set of goals for 2024.

What are your goals / resolutions for the year? What to do plan to do better or at least differently this year?


This new 300 takes a page out of Tudor's playbook and opts to link look back link in the rearview in order to move forward. The result is vintage-effect lume (known as "old radium"), matte dials, and aluminum bezels paired with link an old-school-style bracelet.


Jan 01, 2024

I have been fishing for trout in streams since 1958. There were a few earlier days with my dad or an uncle. But I started fishing alone in 1958. I began fly fishing and tying flies in 1965. I have never had much interest in travel for fly fishing; the fishing is good enough close to home. I have developed my own pattern variations for my home waters, and currently enjoy fishing a dozen miles across several area streams.

If I have resolutions for 2024, they would be these:

1) Encourage and coach our elder son, who has come to fly fishing late in life. He’s in his 40s now, 30 years after he might have profitably started, but b…


Ken Rizzo
Dec 31, 2023

I plan to change flies more often when fishing. I have a tendency to stick with the same fly way too long when not catching fish.


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